Wandering through the ruins of Pompei is a weird experience. The place feels like a recently evacuated settlement rather than a 2000 year old ruin. The major roads and alleyways are all well intact and many of the buildings still have walls and roofs in place. Spacious villas with internal court yards, mosaic floors and large painted frescos could be re-inhabited today. There are the remnants of many stores lining the main roads, large amphitheaters with food and drink venders shops outside, a public forum at the junction of the main roads, even a public toilet and brothel have been uncovered. It gives the impression that life really hasn’t changed much in 2000 years.

Oil, wine and honey pots

Columns were built of small scalloped bricks then rendered with plaster and painted to took like marble.

Deep ruts from wagon wheels suggest that rubber tyres were not popular 2000 years ago

Villas owned by the wealthy inhabitants were impressive structures.

Mosaic internal courtyard

Carved sign on street corner

Large storage vessels in what was once a food store

Decorated alcove in a Villa

Before the compacted ash was removed, plaster was pumped into the cavities left by decomposed flesh. This encased the bone and made an accurate model of the unfortunate victim.

Ancient Roman bobcat

Interesting brick doorway locked into a stone wall.

Marble counter top in food vendor’s store.

Defiant columns in the shadow of Mt Vesuvius.

Public measuring device in the forum. Grain could be measured in the various sized holes to make sure merchants weren’t  cheating the public.